Helen managed to persuade the two girlfriends to go running with her at 7:30am this morning. They ran to the beach and back and looked a little worse for the wear when they got back. It was pretty warm already by the time they got back and so they all went straight into the pool from the run.
Michael and I had a golf round booked today. We played the course that we both played quite well the last time we were here. Neither of us played as well as we did previously but we also didn’t play terribly. I haven’t played for almost 2 months so it took a little time to get warmed up and into the swing (same applied to Michael). I did get a birdie today which is something I haven’t done for a few months so quite happy about that.
The course was quite dry and so if you hit it well it really did go quite a long distance. As you can see from the photo, there was not a cloud in the sky and by the 3rd hole my shirt was pretty damp already. It was cooler than yesterday though I saw on News24 that the heat wave in Spain and Portugal even got a mention on the SA news site (http://www.news24.com/Green/News/Spain-Portugal-bake-in-heatwave-20150629). Almost 1.5l of liquid later we finished the round and headed back home.
The ladies took the day to go shopping at the Algarve Mall. Not grocery shopping – clothes shopping (in case there was any confusion). Stephen decided to stay behind the TV for the day. It seems everyone managed to buy multiple items and they apparently never even completed the whole mall (@Bryan – Lara said she only used her own money this time).
The rest of the afternoon was spent in the swimming pool. It seems at any one time there was someone in the pool until about 30 minutes ago. It really has cooled off a lot and at dinner some people even managed to wear a jersey. After dinner tonight the girlfriends went cycling and the boyfriends joined them on their skateboards. They came back relatively soon though as it got dark quite quickly.
The temperature is down to 21 degrees now and quite pleasant. However, I am pretty sure it will be back in the 30’s again tomorrow.
Until tomorrow …
P, M (because he played golf with me), H (because she didn’t spend too much), C, L, O & S (because he again insulted me over dinner … soon to be disinherited)
Just because I’m not commenting, does not mean I’m not enjoying reading your blog. In fact, it’s the first thing I do once I get to my desk 🙂 Glad to hear and see that you are all having a lovely holiday.