We left again this morning at 5:30am. We decided to head north and then west to the Timbavati picnic spot. It takes you through the open plains north of Satara which are known for large herds of impala, zebra and wildebeest and then because of those, lions are usually nearby. In my family, these sorts of piece of knowledge that I share are often scorned and mocked when neither materialize but this morning wasn’t one of those days. About 10 km out of Satara we came upon a number of cars and very quickly could see why – a pride of 6 lions littering the road. And they were doing anything except to block the traffic. They all looked very healthy and in good condition and the male especially looked in excellent condition. Clearly being well fed from the large herds around. After watching them for some time, we decided to move on but to get past wasn’t easy as you had to navigate past the lions and the cars. We did it successfully without driving over a lion or two fortunately!

We had coffee and hot chocolate at the Timbavati picnic spot which overlooks the Timbavati River and then we drove up to the Ratel Pan Hide. There wasn’t much to be seen at the hide so we headed back south to Satara and back to the camp. We did add a number of birds to the trip list including some lifers for some people (none for me).
Back at Satara, after we had breakfast (French Toast for those wondering made by yours truly), we went for a bird walk and again added quite a few birds. H maintains that you can come to Kruger Park and just stay in the camp and bird watch and you’ll see everything. That is somewhat true but you will still struggle with some categories of birds (like water birds, vultures etc). Her argument was somewhat strengthened today though when M&O added a number of lifers from inside the camp.
M, I & H didn’t come on the evening game drive and instead went for a swim while M & myself headed due south with the aim of going to the Kumala Dam. Shortly after we left camp we saw a lot of cars parked on a road heading east and after a quick chat to one inhabitant we saw the lion (well known around here and named Casper) lying on his back with his paws in the air. We realised he wasn’t planning on going anywhere and given the excellent sighting this AM of the lions on the road, we reckoned it wasn’t worth staying. That proved true because when we returned about an hour later he was still sleeping. We did also get to see buffalo on the evening drive so M & I had a 3 of the big 5 game day.
M & I were worried that by the time we had gotten to the dam and turned around to come back that we hand’t even added one bird to our list for the trip but fortunately on the way back we did add to the trip list. H was in the lead but I am not longer sure she is after M & my trip this evening. I am now on 123 birds for the trip so far. Last year it took us 3 days to get to 123 birds so we are definitely better than last year.
Mandatory braai for dinner – this time Ostrich Steak which we then used to make steak salad and then off to bed as we have an early start and long drive tomorrow as we head north to our next camp. In case you’re wondering what sort of accommodation we have at Satara – pic below – it is a 3-bedroom house with a kitchen, lounge and dining room and a lovely outside veranda.

Until tomorrow
P, M (came on the evening drive with me), H (found some lifers for people today), I (gave grandpa a big hug before bed tonight) & O