Natal Midlands August 6, 2024
Some people decided that going out for a run at 7am this morning would be a good idea when the temperature was 2 degrees C. Not only was it pretty cold as was witnessed by the frost on the ground (including the cow dung even), it is pretty hilly around here and so it wasn't surprisingly that when I asked H how the run was that she simply replied 'hard'. Frost covered ground this AM The...
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Bloemfontein to Midlands August 5, 2024
It was 4 degrees C when we woke up this am. It actually didn't feel as cold as that probably because of the altitude and dry air. We had breakfast at Liedjiesbos and headed out at around 9am. We were heading to the Natal Midlands and the route took us north, east and then south and we basically had to drive around Lesotho. The route takes you through places like Winburg, Senekal, Bethlehem, Harrismith, Van Reenen,...
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Karoo NP to Bloemfontein August 4, 2024
The wind blew, gusted & blasted the whole way through the night and into the morning. I have been to Karoo National Park a number of times and never experienced the wind like this. It was cause for a restless night and a very cold morning. We had originally decided to do a quick loop in Karoo NP but over breakfast we ditched that idea and instead decided to rather venture off the main road and...
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Karoo National Park August 3, 2024
The temperature dropped over night and when we got up just after 6am it was only 6 degrees C. Breakfast is included in the accommodation price so we went to breakfast at 7am so that we could go on a drive after that. By the time we left for the drive is had warmed up to about 10 degrees C but on the drive a few hours later, my car temperature was measuring 28 degrees C....
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Road Trip 2024 August 2, 2024
It feels like it has been a long time since our last road trip but the time has finally arrived for this years' one. It is different in many ways from what we expected. Firstly, we planned to go to Botswana but it seems the whole of Europe travels to Botswana in August and so we couldn't get accommodation at all the places we were hoping to stay so we had to re-jig and stay in...
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