Letaba to Hoedspruit and Home February 8, 2025
We were packed and ready to leave today at 6:30am. It was slightly cooler this morning as we headed south to Satara for our final stop being heading west down the road we entered the park 13 days ago. The drive down to Satara was very pleasant as we got closer to Satara the game noticeably increased. We saw a relative rarity of a Montagu's Harrier pretty much in the same place I first saw one....
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Letaba (Final Day) February 8, 2025
Today was our last full day in the Kruger as we fly home tomorrow. O had decided she was just going to be in the camp for the day and wouldn’t do any game drives. M decided to sleep in as well so it was just H & myself that went out for the morning and evening drives. In the morning we left at 5:30am and we were the 3rd car out of the gate. It...
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Punda Maria to Letaba February 7, 2025
We started today to make our way back south today as we headed for our last 2 nights at Letaba before flying home. It was a 160 km drive which takes around 6-7 hours with stops. We left at 6am with the aim to have breakfast at Shingwedzi. The power went off at about 5:45am and that set us back a few minutes and so we left just after 6am. You may wonder why he is...
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Punda Maria Day 2 February 6, 2025
We decided to stay near Punda yesterday and in the morning to only head out at 6am and then do the Mahonie loop (as we had enjoyed it the previous evening). Game was in short supply - well at least the predators. We did see a reasonable amount of buck (nyala, kudu, impala etc) and the usual elephant & buffalo. It didn't take long though for some lifers to be added for M & O. As...
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Punda Maria to Pafuri and back February 6, 2025
Today was the day to improve the birding list as we planned to leave at 5:30am and head north to Pafuri as quickly as we could. It is about 45 kms to the Luvuvhu River bridge. We did a stop and scan at the Klopperfontein Dam again (though nothing exciting) and then we headed north. Almost immediately we got into the Pafuri region we started to see birds everywhere. It is just incredible and every time...
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Shingwedzi to Punda Maria February 5, 2025
We left on Monday morning for Punda Maria. As it was only a 75 km drive, we decided to sleep in and only leave around 8:30am and then to take a slow drive. Of course, H & I were awake by 5:30am and it seems Miss I has fallen into a similar routine as she was also awake early (much to M & O’s dislike). H & I went for a walk around the camp for...
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Shingwedzi Day 4 February 2, 2025
It just seems to get hotter and we seem to see less. Today was meant to be get to 42 degrees C but the highest I saw on the car thermometer was 39 degrees. Not sure I can tell the difference between 39 and 42 anyway. All I can say it was hot again. Seems like the rest of our time here is now predicted to be in this same range of temperatures. View of elephant...
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Shingwedzi Day 3 February 1, 2025
The problem with me blogging every day is that on the morning drive I get the critique of the previous evenings blog for the first few minutes of a game drive. It usually goes along the lines of 'You made a spelling or grammar error at that point" or "Why didn't you include this incident or thing?" or "I really didn't deserve last place on the blog, you forgot I did x, y or z". This...
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Shingwedzi Day 2 January 31, 2025
After the more relaxed day yesterday, we decided today to do H & my favourite road in the Kruger Park which is just north of Shingwedzi and runs along the river. We crossed the river to a beautiful sunrise and then headed north to follow to the river. The road usually is teaming with game and today was no exception. Elephant, buffalo, impala, waterbuck, zebra and wildebeest are all in abundance. But unfortunately no predators (though...
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Shingwedzi Day 1 January 30, 2025
After the long drive yesterday, we figured that today we could all sleep in. It is also H & my 32nd wedding anniversary (seemingly not an important date for our children though, of course, they are all as a result of the marriage in the first place) and so we also thought it appropriate for us to lie in a bit. The issue though is that our body clocks are now attuned to wake up at...
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