I never planned to blog this trip but there is so much to say that I thought I would anyway. I am in Brussels for a few days for a conference (another exciting actuarial one). I usually don't blog my business trips as they tend to be to London and back and I now consider London my second home. But a trip to Brussels is a little unique. I am actually here for the UK Life...
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Today is a bit of a shock to the system. We are back in CT but the temperature on landing was 12 degrees versus the 36 degrees when we left. There is synergy in there somewhere but just not sure what it is. We left this morning at 6am as we had to drive from Letaba out of the Park and then down to the Kruger International Airport. The GPS said it would take 4.5 hours...
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I was wrong about yesterday. It wasn't at all hot. Quite a mild day actually. Especially if you consider it was 39 degrees today at 4:20pm! Not kidding. Michael and I went out for an early morning drive this morning (everyone else was too lazy and slept in) when we left at 6am it was 11.5 degrees. By the time we returned at 7:15am it was 23.5 degrees. Now I studied geography and science at school...
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Today could only be described using one of my father-in-laws choice words - Bl..s.m HOT. By 8am it was 25 degrees and by 11am it was 30 degrees. We went out for a drive at 4pm and it was 36 degrees. Even now at 10pm it must still be 25 degrees outside. The boys and I went for an early morning drive to the two dams. I think they came to humor me or in the...
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This morning was a repeat of yesterday in that we woke up at 6am, had breakfast and then left for our drive from Olifants to Bateleur Bush Camp. You might be wondering (or at least you should be) how I have managed to post a blog from a Bush Camp. The reality is that we have no cellphone signal and that was a loss to everyone. We all reckon we could manage for a day or...
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We woke up at 6am this morning so that we could have breakfast and get on the road by 7am. We had to drive from Skukuza to Olifants which is about 150 km. While that might not seem a lot when you are traveling at an average speed of 30 km/h then it does take about 5 hours. We also didn't want to lose the best part of the day (which is early morning) because we...
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We are back! This morning we were up at 4am for a collection at 4:30 am to get to the airport. We had a 5:45am flight to Johannesburg and then a connecting flight to the Kruger International Airport (KIA). We got to the airport just before 5am and the check-in process went smoothly. Two family members didn't remember much of the first flight. Helen woke on landing and asked "Did they serve breakfast?" and Michael -...
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Some of you have asked why I have been so quiet over this week. Well that is because I was actually working (and pretty hard at that too for a change). London might be quiet but that hasn't stopped my UK staff keeping me busy this last week. I did make sure I got home to watch the evening athletics though generally. Yesterday was the football final and I had a ticket (and was entertaining clients)...
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I have to say that I am disappointed that only one person was honest enough to put their height & weight into that website and admit which athlete they came out as. Not even my sons ... really disappointed. I am wondering whether anyone is even reading these blogs? Feel like I am talking to myself. I will put my disappointment behind me and write this blog anyway. Sunday am I was off at 8:45am to...
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Before I head out to the tennis this morning I thought I would do a post on some interesting links/posts about the Olympics. The first is a recommendation to read another blog. This guy decided to put together a team for the Olympics from the Bible. Very amusing. Just to wet your appetite, here are some of the "team members": Fencing Peter: He cut off someone’s ear with a sword, so he would be a pretty...
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